Mr. Joe Sinodis is a co-founder of and principal analyst for Red Wolf Associates. He has managed a number of engineering consulting projects and has authored and reviewed numerous engineering calculations in support of design basis activities, probabilistic safety assessment, control room habitability, and NRC finding mitigation among others. Mr. Sinodis has extensive thermal-hydraulic analysis experience modeling containment phenomena, confinement building scenarios, reactor vessels and coolant systems, and other general thermal-hydraulic problems such as tank and piping modeling. He also has significant experience determining atmospheric dispersion factors, assessing control room habitability due to hazardous chemical releases, and calculating shielded direct 'shine' dose to operators and plant personnel. Mr. Sinodis has also served as the Quality Assurance manager for a branch office for a 10CFR50 Appendix B QA program. Mr. Sinodis earned a B.S. and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering as well as a graduate minor in Management at North Carolina State University. Mr. Sinodis also is a licensed Professional Engineer in the state of North Carolina.

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Joe Sinodis
Principal Consultant
111 Commonwealth Court Suite 104
NC 27511
919.467.9686 x120

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